Dorinthea Deck Tech at FAB Foundry

Hey all, this is going to be a lot shorter than my usual posts — just wanted to flag that I’ve recorded an in-depth deck tech video for FAB Foundry that goes through my Dorinthea Ironsong deck and discusses the build, the strategy, how I sideboard for different matchups, etc. — the build is I believe the same one discussed in my earlier Evolution of a Warrior Decklist article, but I go into more detail in the video as to why each individual card was selected.

FAB Foundry is a cool store run by a community member — I ended up recording this video after having taken part in their very fun West Coast Playtest League and subsequent tournament (you may have seen some of the videos of that on my Twitch or YouTube), where my Dorinthea was ultimately able to prevail. I’ve also bought cards from FAB Foundry before, and if you feel like picking up some cards while also helping support my FAB content, you can visit them using this link and I’ll get a small percentage of any sales made.

You can check out the deck tech video over at the FAB Foundry YouTube channel or just watch the embed here:

Let me know what you think either here, in the comments of YouTube, or elsewhere — I’m happy to discuss the specifics of my deck, answer any questions, or hear suggestions on how I might be able to improve the build!


TNN Tall Dorinthea Blitz: Deck Breakdown and Tourney Reports


FAB: A Closer Look at Kassai