Welcome to the Tower!

Welcome to the Tower! I’m TowerNumberNine and this is going to be a strategy blog for Flesh and Blood, Star Wars: Legion, and perhaps some other stuff too! My first posts are likely going to be focused on Flesh and Blood — I’ve been excited to see this game build momentum and am looking forward to the upcoming Unlimited release!

In terms of my gaming background, I’ve played the following card or miniatures games at at least a somewhat competitive level:

Aetherverse (miniatures game)
Warhammer 40,000 (miniatures game)
Android: Netrunner (living card game)
X-Wing (miniatures game)
WH40K: Conquest (living card game)
Legend of the Five Rings (living card game)
Star Wars: Legion (miniatures game)
KARDS: The WWII Card Game (digital card game)
Flesh and Blood TCG (trading card game)

I’ve also played a bunch of other games more casually — but my competitive strength has always been in card or minis games, perhaps because of the element of army/deck building that goes on before the battle. And while the virus situation has hampered our ability to hold events, I am looking forward to attending real life competitive events once things get back to normal!


FAB 101: Welcome to Rathe Classes